Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The New “Ideal”

Of course, we can’t deny that (luckily) some of these celebrities are naturally thin. We all have different body shapes and models we see on the catwalk today are generally noticed to have the ‘boy-like’ figure. Some fashion designers say they prefer thin models because they are used as ‘hangers’. Clothes look better on hangers because you see the garment straight up and down, this is the excuse most designers use. A renown fashion publicist - Kelly Cutrone, states in an interview, “If we get a girl who is bigger than a 4, she is not going to fit the clothes... Clothes look better on thin people. The fabric hangs better”. Because there is such a demand for skinny models, it is no wonder these women feel the pressure to succumb to the new idealistic hanger size that is, size zero. The fashion, acting and music industry is competitive, you either make it or break it, you are either in, or out. Being skinny has become an ideal image for woman through the influence of celebrities and media. It is thought to be the new sexy, the new beautiful, the new trend for the world to follow.
Most of us have come to think that “hey, everyone else is doing it, it must be okay”. However, a size zero figure cannot realistically be maintained naturally. A healthy diet suggests you eat 3 balanced meals a day, so if a size zero waist is the same as an average British 8 year old girls, then surely a grown woman will not be able to maintain this size with good nutrition practice. It is a trap. Losing weight rapidly can lead to many different types of eating disorders. The most prevalent eating disorder among celebrities and models is Anorexia Nervosa.

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