Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How We Should React

These industries should be embracing the ordinary woman. Celebrities like Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce Knowles, Catherine Zeta Jones, Cindy Crawford, Tyra Banks, and Kate Winslet, who are adored by men and woman, revered for their healthy, vivacious and voluptuous bodies. These are the women who are an inspiration. These are the women that we should look up to as role models, for what they represent to our society.

Size zero is just a statement, a challenge for the gullible. There will always be a way to make it in this world without succumbing to the pressures that is ‘vanity’. Size zero doesn’t deserve the attention as something we should attain. Size zero deserves the attention as basically - a death wish. A size zero body is a “sacrifice to fashion.”*

*inmyheart.wordpress.com (2007) Ilanit (Hila) Emalich. Retrieved April 26, 2011 from

1 comment:

  1. First Post!!!

    Chloe! fantastic job on the blog! I like the way you have incooperated the behaviours of young women in the fashion industry. Anorexia is a horrible and disgusting disease fuelled by the high stressful demands to be the PERFECT sized anything.
    What is the perfect size or the perfect BMI?
    Every person should know that the key to being healthy and fit is to eat more not less. Eat more veges and stuff... :-P
